Sunday, October 5, 2008

So he is finally gone. But will his absence "save the Lions?" I think not. These guys have a heritage of suckage, the Bears are giving them every opportunity to regain some dignity. They don't want it. Dropped passes, sacks, fumble recoveries and penalties; you got to love these guys.

Mr. Kitna, no, you lost formality in front of your name, Johnny. I love your fire and passion, but stay your non-scrambling (expletive) in the pocket. PLEASE! This whole 6-step-drop-and-run-around-like-a-fool thing is getting old! It's not working out, try again.

Roy and Calvin, I have to put you two together, because you are twins at total incompetence. When Johnny isn't eating dirt and actually gets a pass off, you play patty cake with the pigskin. Yeah, and you want more passes? I'll go with Rudy, thanks.

Ok, now that that I got my weekly Lion bashing out of my system, on to our favorite subject in the nation: Sarah Palin. Need I say more? No, I don't even feel like going there. You saw the debate. Ok, maybe I'm in a sour mood because I'm annoyed by the BS. If you were an employer why would you even consider someone who admits she has only "been at it for five weeks" for an executive position?

And when in a debate, isn't the object of the whole deal to answer the questions? Since when does someone "do well" in a debate and not follow the basic rules of deabte? As Yakov Smirnoff said in the old Best Western commercials, "what a country!"

I should have stopped when I said I would.

I'm Tom Bodet of Motel 6 "we'll leave the light on for ya." Ok, no we won't.